Saturday, February 28, 2009

Growth Chart Updates!

Now that we have another set of data, we decided that it was time to update the growth charts. First we have Colin...

You can see that for his age, our Mr. Man is still kinda small. However, when you look at his weight as a function of his length, you can see that he's a lot closer to the median:

Gillian on the other hand is an all-around string-bean:

I started working on this post at somewhere around 9:50 this morning. Between playing with charting software to get something approaching what I wanted, and caring for babies, it is now over 12 hours later. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the charts.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Four Month Stats!

Today we had our 4 month check up, shots and all. Boo. We saw a different pediatrician in our practice for the first time for a well visit, and Michael wasn't impressed with his organizational skills, so we'll be going to see Dr. Amy again for our next two well visits! Anyway, all is well with the babies, hale and hearty. Although, interestingly, they have very small ear canals, so it's nigh impossible to visualize their ear drums. Not good for when an ear infection may strike.

So, here you go:

Colin 23 3/4" long, 12lbs, 4oz weight, about 41 cm head circumference

Gillian 23 3/4" long, 10lbs, 10oz weight, about 39 cm head circumference

Yes, they are still the SAME length, but Colin's got a bit more chub on him! Plus, a big head.

The dr wasn't too keen on starting solid food, but I was pushy and I think he acquiesced and said that rice cereal was ok. I know, I'm bossy.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tummy Time with Colin

Some picture of Colin doing tummy time.



Yes, he has a very big head and bears a slight resemblance to Charlie Brown. But, I think he's awfully cute.

Valentine's Day Cuteness

Grammy Lynn, SuperShopper, was kind enough to gift the babies with Valentine's Day outfits. We've worn them three times this week to ensure their proper use. They both look adorable in them, so, of course, we had to take some pictures. I even managed to get Daddy in one of them!

Gillie, looking super sweet:

Mr. Man, with his new favorite activity: eating his hands.

One together:

Smiley Man:

Gillian with Daddy; she loves to stand right now:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tart Hat Photo Updates

Here are the updated tart hat photos:




Gillie-Bean got more shots than Mr. Man because he was being bounced at the time, and most of his pictures came out blurred.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Breaking NEWS...this just in....

The Tart hats fit now!!! They will now be our February hats, and perhaps March too.

Previous Tart hat pictures. Note that Grammy Lynn is MAKING the hats fit in these!


I'm planning an outing with C&G for tomorrow, so I'll try to snap a picture of them in the hats.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Keister Books

The Keisters made a gift of two plush fabric books to Colin and Gillian. These books have recently entered the rotation. One of these books is shaped like a penguin. This coincidentally works out quite well as Gillie's favorite book, "Snowy Bear" (more on this later) features a penguin which she greatly enjoys. So we have taken to reading the plush penguin book. Today Gillie decided that she need to hug the penguin:
Since Gillie got to hug a book, we set Colin up with the plush cat book:
Colin wasn't quite as into the book hugging, but then again, he hadn't pooped in a while, so he wasn't really quite into much of anything. All told, they do like the books a lot, and the fact that you can hug them, just makes them all the better.

P.S. While Daddy enjoys reading (or reciting) the "Snowy Bear" book for Colin and Gillian, it is only six pages long and wears a little thin after a while. Also, Daddy is a bit troubled by the fact that while the book is titled "Snowy Bear", Snowy Bear does not appear anywhere within the text of the book. Instead we are introduced to a moose, a seal, a walrus, a penguin, a whale, and a puffin. It seems like a bait-and-switch scheme to me.

A Vist with Grandma and Grandpa Uhl

Grandma and Grandpa Uhl were kind enough to come down to visit C&G on Friday evening so that Mommy and Daddy could go out for First Friday with other Adult-Type-People™. Because it's a bit of a haul back home for the Grandparents Uhl, they stayed over until Saturday morning. Before leaving, they managed to get in a little play time with the younglings.

Here we see Grandma Uhl explaining the importance of Groundhogs to Colin:
And here's Colin and Grandpa Frank:
I just now realized that I only have pictures of Colin from that morning. Gillie-bean must not have been feeling that photogenic.

Cat Help

Today Schmofty was thirsty. He thought to himself, "Self, Mom won't mind if I have some of her water. She's all about sharing. I'll just help myself."


Sunday, February 1, 2009

One for the OTHER Thumb!

Here we go Steelers, Here we go!!!


Some Random Weekend Pictures

As I know our viewing audience can't get enough baby pictures, here are some more that Michael took yesterday:

Gillie having tummy time. Not her fav, usually, but she's tolerating it here.


Colin with his elephant, and his tongue sticking out.

Gillie with her elephant.

Penguin Babies

Uncle David and Aunt Mercedes gave C & G some very cute penguin outfits for Christmas. They are adorable, but I'm not convinced of their practicality. They are way too warm to wear indoors, but not warm enough for snowsuits. Plus, they are covered in HUGE buttons. However, I can see why they were purchased, as they are pretty darn cute!! So, after a month of busy life, we finally got the babies into the penguin suits and took some pictures. Colin didn't seem to be particularly pleased, but he took it in stride, as he usually does. Gillian seemed more in tune with her penguin self, as her favorite book tells her all about penguins (Penguin's wings don't help him fly, he plays in water not the sky).

Anyway, we are holding on to the penguin suits and will someday gift them BACK to D &M for them to use with their kids.

Colin, looking bemused:

Colin on the right, Gillie on the left:




More of these shots can be found on Flickr.