Sunday, August 9, 2009


Our friend Dave has been out-of-town for quite a while, and he was recently back home for a few days. The Millers were kind enough to host a get-together while he was here so they everyone got a chance to see Dave. As we didn't have babysitters, Colin and Gillian came along to play with the Miller kids and see Dave. Alas, I didn't manage to get any pictures of our kids with Dave, but we did get photos of C & G with Ian & Julia. Ian and Julia found the lid to a box (a wonderful treasure):
Colin and Ian played a little tug-of-war with it:
Of course the girls couldn't let the boys have all of the fun...
It's always fun to go and play with someone else's toys, but I didn't have the heart to tell bitty Bean that she wasn't likely to be JoePa's next pick:
After a little dinner...
...and maybe a little hug...
DSC_0045.NEF was time for baby bed time. We put our kids down to sleep in pack-and-plays at the Miller's and they went down pretty well. It took them a little longer than usual to settle down and sleep, but they did. Then when we were ready to go home, they got up well and went back to sleep when we got home. All in all, a good time was had by all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wish I could have been there. Maybe now I won't miss so many fun things :)