Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Yet another video, I know, I know! I have MANY posts to catch up with and they all have still pictures, but this is the easiest and fastest to post! More soon!

The kiddos have learned "So Big!" And, they now have an extreme interest in the camera, as you can see!


Rosie Hawthorne said...

What beautiful chilluns!

Suzi said...

OMG I just watched this at work and nearly couldn't control my laughter--the camera lick almost did my in! So, so cute, both of them!!

-Suzi & Dash (from resolve bb)

Mama said...

Just the cutest thing I've seen all day! I love the licking of the camera - so something Ellie would do too!

Ynn said...

Thank you for a wonderful end to a busy day. Not only are they "so big", they are so cute! And when Gillie licks the camera, Grandpa and I both laughed out loud!