So, we have not had an easy month. First Colin had a cold (and wheezing), then Gillian had a nasty upper respiratory infection (and wheezing), and then Colin caught the nasty virus (and wheezing). Our apologies on the lack of blogging, but I think we're on the mend now and can resume normal life (and wheezing).
Easter! I had some Spring Break left after making up snow days, so I took the kiddos up to GraGra's house Thursday before Easter. Daddy has been working crazy hours to get a project in, so he had to stay behind to work. Colin and Gillian and I drove up on Thursday morning and they were so good for me in the car. Colin likes to point out trucks, and they each got a smidgen of a nap. We went directly to Great-Grandma and Grandpa's Smith's house for lunch. The kids loved being able to run around their big yard in the sunshine, and Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed their lunch companions, I think!
After lunch we settled into GraGra's house for our visit. On Friday morning we went into DuBois to visit some friends of GraGra's at the hospital. We also visited Noonie and Grandpa Greg. Then we stopped at Kohlhepp's to visit DickieDoo and all his work-buddies. Busy morning!
Gillian was feeling pretty poorly by this point, and we could swear she was wheezing on and off. So, GraGra had a PA-friend check her out. She did have a little fever, but she thought her lungs were clear and she couldn't see her ears for all the wax. Poor baby.
After the kiddos napped, I took them to Grammy Lynn and Grandpa Frank's house for dinner, and Daddy met us there after work! C&G had a fabulous time running around the yard and playing in their new wagon that Grammy and Grandpa got them for Easter. But, by the time we got back to GraGra's house, I was pretty sure Bean was wheezing again. So, Daddy took care of Colin's bedtime, and GraGra and I took B to the ER. It was probably overkill, but the first time Colin had a wheezing episode, I let it get too far and he got REALLY sick and ended up in the hospital. Fool me once, but not twice, I suppose.
Anyway, the trip to the ER was pretty much a bust, in retrospect. The dr. said her ears were clear and she wasn't wheezy. He did send her for an x-ray, which was inconclusive, but perhaps showed something in her right lung. So, he gave her a z-pack and sent us on our way. (As an aside, she was still feeling very badly on the Wednesday after Easter, so we saw our own pediatrician's office. And, YES she was wheezing, and YES she did have an ear infection. The PA didn't know HOW the ER dr saw her ears since they were PACKED with wax. It took about five days of antibiotics and four days of albuterol before she felt better).
Ok, on to the pictures! We finally got some pictures once Daddy came. On Saturday night we had dinner with the Smith family and a little Easter Egg hunt with Sarah and Benjamin.
GraGra and I had made some cream pies from scratch with homemade whipped cream. Gillian totally enjoyed the whipped cream:

Colin totally enjoyed being spoiled rotten by Grandpa Greg:

Gillian was a wicked good egg hunter. She caught on SO fast, had so much focus, and had a keen eye for an egg.

Colin was a good egg hunter too. He totally fooled me because I thought he was paying NO attention to learning how to hunt eggs, but when it was time, he really knew what he was doing! Good boy.

Oh yeah, after the egg hunt, Gillian hung on to her bag of eggs for dear life. She walked around with that thing for like half an hour!

On Sunday morning, the kiddos got up and found their Easter Storage Bins from GraGra and Grandpa (the Bunny left their goodies at our house because he knows how full our car gets!).

We all got ready for church in our spiffy Easter duds. We tried really hard to get a nice picture, but with two tired, sick or getting sick 17 month olds, we did not have much luck. This is what we got:

Eh, not fantastic. Next year.
So, after a (ahem, busy) hour at church, we went to Grammy Lynn and Grandpa Frank's for lunch. We got to visit with Great-Grandma Hannold and the Keisters. The kids again enjoyed playing in the yard and riding in their wagon, well mostly Colin did. Bean was still feeling not-so-great and was a little strange with all the men-folk.
It was a busy, fun, sniffly, wheezy holiday. That seems to be our norm lately.