Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Project Beard

Michael has been working a ton of extra hours in the past six weeks or so. He has a project that is due, so he gets up at 5:00 am and works until 5:00 pm, comes homes, eats with us, does bath time, helps put the kiddos to bed, cleans up, and relaxes for about 3 seconds, then does it all over again. In order to expedite getting out the door in the morning, Michael decided to stop shaving. It took him about two weeks to get a nice beard grown (after several awful days of itching). Let's just say Sidney Crosby should be jealous.

Here's the beard after about six weeks of growth (and two weeks late for a haircut):

Last night, the beard left us. Michael was due to get a new ID badge for work and really didn't want the beard in the photo for the next five years or so. Unfortunately, the photo equipment was broken at work, so all the shaving was for naught. (Also, if the Pens lose tonight it's ALL Michael's fault).


Jessica said...

Keep the beard away. Just fyi.

DPLK said...

I think 10 years and 20 pounds came off with the beard! You look like you could be a hard-working grad student now. I think I agree with Jess that non-beard status suits you better.