Friday, August 27, 2010

Big Time Family Reunion

I meant to get this up before vacation, but life got a little crazy, but I still wanted to post it!

So, I have a big family. Not like 8 kids in my family big, but lots of aunts, cousins, second cousins and whatnot. This summer my aunt and several of her cousins planned a BIG reunion for all of the decedents of my Great-Great-Grandfather, John H. Smith. As far as I can recall, he had six children, including my Great-Grandfather John M. Smith, who then had my Grandfather, Lee Smith, and finally my mom. Phew. Anyway, it's a full family tree.

There were three days of events planned the first weekend of August, and I think about 100 people were in attendance over the course of the weekend. Pretty impressive, huh? Since I am a nap and bedtime fanatic, we missed a few events, but we made it to the pig roast on Saturday night and potluck picnic on Sunday.

Michael was charged with official photography, but nap/bedtime prevented him from being handy a lot of the time. He did still get some good photos though. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves. Although, having my Grandparents' pond 10 feet from the picnic shelter made for some interesting moments!

A few pics, starting with my Grandpa and Grandma. I think they really enjoyed themselves all weekend, visiting and seeing lots of family!

A meeting of minds of the youngest generation (although, I do think one branch of the family technically has one MORE generation beyond Colin, Gillian, and Sarah, but anyway...)

Dismembering the pig (that's Uncle Willis, Uncle Stevie, and Cousin Matt):

And my Grandpa's cute, so we'll put up another picture of him:

Me and my Great-Aunt Ann. Yeah, you want her genes. Trust me.

There are TONS more reunion pictures over on flickr, but I don't like to post too many without people's permission.

1 comment:

Lori/RachelsMommy said...

Nice photos! Wish we still did family reunions though our family is considerably smaller now. I would like Rachel to experience it though. Aw, the photos of your adorable Grandpa remind me of mine:)...(passed in Jan. at age 95 but he was just so cute too)...