Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pretty Pictures and Big Personalities

We've been wanting to take the kids to play in the leaves in the park for a few weeks now, and, finally, weather and scheduling aligned! We decided to go back to our "first" favorite playground in the back hills of the park. This is the first playground that C&G first toddled around in last fall, and where they first tried out the slides and swings! It was pretty cool to see them running around like "big kids" this weekend!

I asked Michael to bring along the "big" camera and get some glamour shots of the kiddos near their Big Birthday! He is so talented, and has such great material to work with, how could the pictures turn out bad, right???

Actually, I am really happy with the pictures. You can see Colin and Gillian's hilarious personalities and their big teeth in all their (nearly) two year old glory!

First up, we'll talk about Miss B. That can stand for Miss Boss most of the time.

Her favorite pastime is hording. No, really. She likes to take every toy, book, animal, doll, and letter and pile it up behind her playhouse and "nest." It's certainly a talent.

She loves to be upside down. And to swing. On the big girl swing. And kick her legs like Daddy taught her.

She loves to watch the big kids on the playground and try to copy them. She can climb the "climber" steps all by herself now too! In fact, her favorite word is "SELF!" It is so exciting to see her face when she accomplishes something by herSELF and just see the pride in her smile!

She can be difficult and stubborn and dramatic. Hmm, wonder where she gets that.....But, she is also funny, goofy, helpful, sweet, and feisty. She's our Bean, that's for sure!

And, our Brother Bear? Well, he's pretty special too. I mean, just look at him cracking himself UP! There really wasn't anything to be laughing at, except the leaves maybe? Or the slide?

He loves to GO FAST, man! And, GO HIGH! Oh, and he's strong...

He just absolutely loves anything with wheels. His current passion is Thomas the Train, but he also has a fondness for buses and tractors!! He'll point out every one he sees....repeatedly.

He has to be tucked in every night with BlueBlue Bear, Froggie, and WoofWoof. Without fail. It's pretty sweet.

Colin is just a big ball of sweetness, most of the time. With lots of little boy fun thrown in for good measure. He gets mad, like most toddlers, but it's quick and painless, usually. He's sunny, happy, goofy, and the smartest little guy we know.

They pretty cool kids, and we are so lucky to be their parents!


Rhonda said...

I love the up-date! What wonderful pictures - they seem to really capture their personalities!! :)

Ashley said...

AWESOME pictures, you can see their personalities.

Lori/RachelsMommy said...

What a beautiful post about beautiful C & G! I feel like I know them better:)...The pictures are amazing too! Definitely captured their personalities! Please come photograph R next!!!

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures so much that I made the one of each them on the slide and have them in their frames. A great way to remember Colin and Gillie at age 2. What wonderful kiddos!
Love, Kathy