Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sending Valentines

Last year we made a big batch of Valentines and sent them out to some of our family and friends. And I thought the kids would be excited to do it again this year. And, they talked a good talk. In January I started asking them who they wanted to make Valentines for and they came up with about fifteen people! Well, in that case, I thought we had better get started early!

Good thing we DID start early. Umm, let's just say that enthusiasm was lacking in the worker bee department. So it took us a while. Doing about two cards a day a few days a week. For WEEKS.

Gillian working hard. In her swimsuit. What? Don't you make your Valentines while wearing a swimsuit?

And pose?

Our results:

We certainly hope the recipients enjoyed them.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Beautiful Valentines! We tried making Valentines, too, but I think we got only 4 made. Love the swimsuit look...only a few more months until swimming season! G's just thinking ahead. :-)