Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pool Time!

After our corn and trumpeting adventures, we had a good long nap and then it was off for a SWIM with Dickiedoo and Noonie! As the weather was steamy and HOT, we were all excited for a dip! Since Dickiedoo is aware that C&G shiver in the pool even on the warmest of days, he had turned the heater on for us.....and then forgot to turn it off. So, the pool was 91 degrees for us. And it was AWESOME. Really, it felt SO good. And Gillian swam for an HOUR with no shivers. Now at least we KNOW how warm she likes the water!

Dickiedoo keeping an eye on G in her water dragon. She loved that thing. She kicked her way all around the pool on it and wouldn't let anyone help!

Colin and Daddy blowing some bubbles.

Off she goes again....


We had a fantastic dinner with Dickiedoo and Noonie. And lots of giggles. And Polly Pockets. Those are fun. Very nice evening!

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