Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Smokestack Visit

I think I've mentioned before that our Costco is located on a reclaimed brownfield site. Yum. One supreme advantage to this, in the kids' minds at least, is that we have access to SMOKESTACKS whenever we go shopping! Another advantage is that huge freight trains rumble by every 10 minutes while you shop.
(Note: These aren't ACTUALLY smokestacks, but instead open hearth furnace stacks used in steel production)

It was nice on Friday while we were down at the store, so after we loaded up our purchases we spent 5 minutes exploring and running and touching.

First you have to check out the sign. Gillian says so.

Then we just ran.

Friday was a very, very rough "toddler" day around it's nice to have picture proof that we did have SOME fun.


Mama said...

That place looks AWESOME!! My kids would love it too, and to have it available while getting a "to do" item done too - fantastic!! Looks like you guys are really making the most of your summer so far!

Jessica said...

I had no idea your smokestacks were so fantastic! I want to go there too!