Saturday, November 12, 2011

Election Day Fun

Tuesday was a beautiful, sunny, warm November day around here (very much like Election Day 2008, my first day out of the house after the kids were born!), so we took advantage of the day!

I had to work at 11:00, so the kids and I got out the door early and went to vote. It's pretty hard to explain "voting" to three year olds. Who knows what they thought we were doing! When we got home, we parked outside and got the bikes out for some fun!

Hey! Look who decided to put on his helmet to ride!



Colin insisted on giving his giraffe a ride on the back of his bike. He fit perfectly.

They were having a blast!


Lisa said...

We've had some beautiful weather here too! And we're trying to soak up as much as we can. Ugh. Yes, explaining the whole voting thing to a 2 or 3 year old. Last fall Dylan thought we were going somewhere in a boat. So funny.

Suzi said...

I love kids in helmets! Always cute!

What kind of bikes are those? The trike we have for D is broken and we need something new for him. Can't decide if we should get him a trike now or just wait until his b-day in April and get him a bike with training wheels...