Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend 2012

Oh Thanksgiving.  My favorite.  It was a good one this year.  And for that we are very thankful.  Given that 2008 was spent with 4 weeks old twins (and EXHAUSTION), 2009 was spent in the hospital with Colin's first asthma attack (and EXHAUSTION), and 2010 was also spent in the hospital with Colin's round of pneumonia (and EXHAUSTION), we will take any holiday that involves being home, being healthy, and a normal level of tiredness.  Amen.

So, Thursday morning we headed north.  We love to travel the morning of Thanksgiving.  Traffic is amazing.  We went straight to Grammy and Papa Frank's to get ready for some turkey!  Tickles help prepare you for turkey.

Colin was very snuggly on Thanksgiving.   Daddy almost accomplished his dream of napping with a snuggly kid on a holiday.

After a delicious lunch, we hung out with the family.  Some of us napping, watching some dog show, and plenty of Yahtzee Jr.  Gillian's favorite game of late!

After a quick lay-down for the kids, we took them into Dickiedoo and Noonie's for a second round of turkey and other goodies.  And, as usual, the camera did not get used!  Grrr.

On Friday morning, Grammy suggested that she and Papa take the kiddos to the tree farm to tag a tree.  Daddy and I volunteered to stay home.  That deal worked for everyone!  Looks like they had fun though!

They found one!
Good work, team.

On Friday evening we had our annual celebration of Papa Frank's birthday with the Keister family.  I only took two pictures.  Rest assured, there was much merriment, playing with Joe, and more Yahtzee.
(I think Colin is asking Joe a serious question there.)
(Can you spot the horse on the table?)

Saturday morning, we woke up to a dusting of snow.  The kids were transfixed.  They sat like this with Grammy, chatting about snow, for about half an hour.

Then we were off to Great-Grandma's for another round of turkey.  As usual, there was much noise, many people, too much good food, and just plain craziness.  Colin and Gillian just played and played and played.  I think they really enjoyed all their family, especially cousins Ben and Sarah.  Oh, and more Yahtzee.

Sunday morning we packed up and headed home.  Daddy and I remarked on the way home that we have two wonderful kids.  They traveled so well and were so well-behaved, friendly, independent, and just plain ol' awesome this year.  Hurray!  Ready for next Thanksgiving already!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! Love the pictures- that's a really sweet one of the kids and Grammy watching the snow.