Tuesday, April 10, 2012

When I Grow Up

This is one of Colin's current favorite phrases....

"When I grow up, I'm going to....."

....drive a tow truck.
....be a firefighter.
....have a motorcycle and drive fast.
....be an engineer like Daddy.
....be an engineer. Like on a train.
....be an astronaut.
....drive a trolley.

Busy boy.

And Gillian? She never tells us what she wants to be when she grows up. I asked once and she told me she was going to be a ballerina. But she never brought it up again.

1 comment:

the edwards clan said...

It's great that you've recorded these, Lea. I've tried to record these things too, and it's fun to go back and read what they used to say. It's still interesting to hear what they say now. It'll be fun to see what they do end up doing someday, won't it? The possibilities are endless!