Thursday, February 16, 2012

Little Fishes

We FINALLY found a place for the kiddos to take swim lessons! Before they were three we could only find "Mommy and Me" type classes and that really didn't work with TWO kiddos at the same time. But, now that they are over three, more options opened up for us!

Luckily our friend, Miss Laura, knows all the good info and told me all about Miss Jessica the local gym! I gave her a call and we were quickly signed up for some private/sibling lessons! For this first set of lessons, I am getting in the water too, since two non-swimmers at once would be a bit much, I think. Plus this way, the kids get more chance to practice and don't have to sit as much!

The kids were really, really excited. They love the water. Colin even told me before the lesson that he was going to swim underwater without his swimsuit. I'm not sure if he meant he wanted to swim naked or if he just meant without a life jacket! Either way, it was pretty funny!

So last Wednesday we had our first lesson. We hit the locker room and all three of us got changed (no small feat, really). I think the kids were pretty impressed with the locker room too!

All ready to go!

We were a bit early and it was hard to contain C&G from getting in the water all by themselves! Once Miss Jessica was ready, we practiced blowing some bubbles in the water, kicking with the kick board, and scooping ice cream with our hands. Gillian was pretty darn funny; she kept yelling, "Let me go! I can do it myself!" And, really, when she uses the noodle-thing for buoyancy, she really CAN do it almost by herself! They both worked really hard for half an hour. And were shivering so hard they could hardly stand it! It wasn't really cold in the pool, but they are just SO skinny that cannot stay warm in a pool!

Overall, swim lessons were a huge hit! Especially since Miss Jessica gave them lollipops! And Colin discovered the swimsuit spinner......

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