Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Flower Show Fun

Last weekend we had the pleasure of meeting Grammy, Papa Frank, Uncle D, and Aunt Cedes at Phipps Conservatory. We had been meaning to get the kids to Phipps for a while and with the spring flower show starting, it was perfect timing.

Checking out the plant globe with Grammy.

Some pretties:

The kids had a very good time. They actually checked out some of the plants and enjoyed the pathways. Colin also really like the windmill set up in "The Netherlands" room with all the tulips.
Apparently Colin and Uncle D were very photogenic.

Phipps had a cute little "farmer's market" set up with booths of vegetables and fruit, shopping carts, and check outs. Very fun.

We were pushing buttons (always a favorite) that controlled the fountain. Fun times.

Oh, one other funny from the day. As we wandered through the Desert Room, Colin was pointing and chatting away. Then all of a sudden he stopped dead in his tracks and just STARED at this ceiling tall cactus. He whispered, "What is THAT?" And then he literally CLIMBED up my body onto my shoulder. He was majorly FREAKED by that cactus. Thankfully he was easily calmed once we scooted past it. Ok, so no western adventures for him!


Marie said...

Gorgeous photos!!! Oh my, we would go INSANE for a button that controlled a water fountain. Seriously cool stuff.

the edwards clan said...

What a neat experience!! I love the story about Colin and the cactus -- classic! Plants and flowers really are amazing, aren't they? One of our favorite places to visit here is the Arboretum on campus. We went several times last year (and went for the first time this year on Saturday), and it's always so neat to see what things are blooming.
Great photos too, by the way!!!!