Monday, June 18, 2012


A week or so ago the kids and I got be cheerleaders. Cheerleaders for DADDY! Daddy ran in his first 5K race and we had to be there! Back in January Daddy had started a "Couch to 5k" program and through hard work and good habits he's doing really well! Finally, he felt ready for a "race" and his company had their annual 5k race scheduled for early June right by our house, so we were there!


Fortunately the race was just next door a little playground so the kids I hung out there after the starting gun. And there are always some fun trees and sticks to play with!

We were there when Daddy crossed the finish line though! Sadly, I missed a picture of it! But we cheered loudly and Daddy looked SPENT! He did run a personal best though! And then we joined him for a post-race drink and refreshments.

And a post-race picture, where Daddy feels he looks skinner than pre-race. Must be all that sweat loss. It was a very warm morning!
We are SO proud of Daddy! Woo hoo!


Jessica said...

Wow! Good job cheerleaders, good job Michael! He does look skinnier post-running.

Lisa said...

Love the photo of the kids by the trees. :) Good job Michael! How could he NOT have a personal best with great cheerleaders there to support him?!