Saturday, December 29, 2012

Party Time

C&G's preschool has a GREAT Christmas party each year.  They call it Christmas Around the World and each classroom is a different "country".  This year we visited Norway, Russia, Australia, Bethlehem (this one was confusing), and Germany.  We learn about the different traditions in each country: food, decorations, variations on Santa, etc.

Daddy took part of the day off so he could come with us, so that was extra fun!!  We split up and I started the party with Gillian's room, while Daddy went with Colin's room.

Learning all about Norway:

When we got back to the room, we had a little sing-a-long.

Colin had kicked Daddy out of his party by this point, so we switched!  Cookie time!

Then more sing-a-long!

Great party!  Getting closer to the big day!

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