Monday, January 18, 2010


So, Colin and Gillian are really interested in toys right now. Obviously, they've been playing with toys for a long while now, but they are really into using toys the way they are supposed to be used now! If you show them what is supposed to be done with a toy, they mimic it pretty well, especially Gillian. They received a metric ton of toys for their birthday, and half a metric ton for Christmas, so I am bringing new stuff into the "playroom" (AKA our living room) every 10 days or so. They are pretty excited to see new stuff. Michael took these pictures a few weeks ago after the rocket entered the mix!

Gillian putting the alien into the driver's seat:

And then putting the alien into the Rover:

Now it's the astronauts' turn!

We also had recently brought the ride on car upstairs, and both kiddos had fun sitting on it, "fixing" it, and, mainly, pushing the buttons.

Another current favorite toy is a teddy bear, large or small! Colin, in particular, loves teddy bears. He picks them up, hugs them, and kisses them. It's just about the cutest thing ever. Teddy Tackle!

They are also enjoying the tunnel that they got from Uncle Stevie and Aunt Emily for their birthday. It is the first thing they request when they get up in the morning, and we HAVE to get it out about four times a day. I don't have a recent picture of them in the tunnel, but the cats enjoy it as well.

1 comment:

Ynn said...

Glad to see that the alien and the astronauts get equal time piloting the rocket.