Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Everybody Loves a Good Growth Chart

So, it's once again time for growth charts! We took C&G for their 15 month well-visit with Dr. McGarrity on Friday. She said they are "awesome" and is very pleased with their development and growth. Both kiddos continue to be on the small side, but they are holding steady in regards to percentiles. I just keep thinking that some day they'll have a growth spurt, right?

First Colin's charts (He's 20lbs, 9 oz and 30 3/4" long):

And Miss Gillian's (She's 19lbs, 10 oz and 30 3/4" long):


the edwards clan said...

I like how you are so into the growth charts. That's neat. I'm glad to hear your kiddos had such "awesome" reports from the doctor. I had Evan in for his 6-month well visit yesterday. My chubbo weighs 20 lbs on the nose and measures 29 1/4 inches. 90th percentile for weight, 99th for height. CRAZY!! I make such big babies, what can I say?! They sure don't stay that way, though. It's sort of tough having bigger babies, though, because when people see them they assume they're older than they really are and expect them to perform the "tricks" of an older baby. It's like, "Yeah, I know he looks like he should be walking by now, but he's only 6 months old!"

Lori/RachelsMommy said...

I'm glad they had good check-ups! Yay! These always confuse me as they tell me Rachel is one %ile at the doc's office, but when I try to use a growth chart on BabyCenter or something she is lower. They have always said she is in higher
%iles than I find elsewhere. I have had people whose children weigh more than Rachel say they are not even on the charts, but our doc tells us Rachel is in the 25%ile and it used to be around 50-60...confusing:). She's a similar size to twins in her Gymboree class who are 4 months younger than her. I know the important part is they are healthy. It's just confusing:). I love how you document it, though. Lori :-)