Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where have we been???

Well, busy, I guess. No real reason to not have some new blogs up, but there we are anyway. Sorry about that. I have some cute stories, pictures, and videos to share.

So, July 11 is about where we left off. A very important occasion in the Uhl house! It was our Schmo Cat's birthday, and this year it was his 10th birthday at that! It's hard to believe that the tiny, sad, runty little ball of orange cuteness turned into our big, fat, sassy, SAINT of a cat. He's lived with us a long time, in three houses, with a new kitten, and TWO babies. He's amazingly adaptable. As long as he gets some daily adoration and dinner on time, he is a pretty content fellow. As you can see....

(At last measure, he was about 16 lbs)

He had a nice birthday with a tuna surprise and REAL fur rat to play with. What more can you ask for?

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