Monday, July 11, 2011

July 4th Catch-up, Part 2, Corn and Donkeys

On Saturday, July 2, after nap we headed out to see GraGra and Papa Greg and measure some corn. See an explanation of measuring corn here.

Colin and Gillian were pretty happy to see GraGra and Papa and immediately set out to do everything possible that their parents would never let them do. Well, not EVERYTHING...but they tried. First they checked out GraGra's new playhouse. She found hers by the side of the road for free too. We are so awesome.

Then they "helped" Papa water the garden. I wasn't present, but I hear G told Papa when he tried to explain how the hose works, "No, I figure it out myself!" Yep, that's my girl.
When I got there, Colin was pretty well soaked. Apparently Gillian was innocent though, Colin had just backed himself directly into her line of fire.

Once we finally convinced them that the plants were plenty wet, we walked up to the corn field to measure some corn. The field we picked looked pretty good. It was one of the highest fields we saw in the area. The wet, cold spring was tough on planting season, I think.

For the third year in a row, the kids were less than thrilled with this activity. Tough. They will continue to humor me for many more years.

This year they asked lots of questions while we measured. Mostly "WHY are we in the corn and WHAT are we doing?"
G using her knee to measure. You know....KNEE high by the Fourth of July!

Definitely not thrilled.

After torturing the kids with corn for a while, GraGra insisted that we ride down the road to visit a baby donkey. My Grandpa owns a male miniature donkey who was bred with a lady donkey down the road and the baby had just been born on June 30. Mostly I was humoring my mom. But, I'm glad we did. That baby donkey was just about the cutest dang thing I've ever seen. (Yet another example of, Always Listen to your Mother.).

Meet Junie.
She was super friendly, sniffing us up and down and nuzzling a bit. Then she would RACE off, jumping and bucking, turn on a dime, and race back. Oh my, she was funny. I wish I had a video of her shenanigans.


The kids enjoyed Junie, and pet her some. But, they were more intrigued by the other animals that lived with Junie. Junie's donkey mom (Ellen), of course, and another lady donkey, a horse, chickens, pigeons, frogs, guinea pigs, and a herd of dachshunds. Honestly, it was like toddler heaven.

After petting and talking to many of the animals, we headed back to Grammy and Papa's for pizza (mmmm, the BEST local pizza place ever) in the backyard. Another fun day! With more to come!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yay for corn measuring! We go by the same rules here in WI- knee high by the fourth of July. Sounds like a great 4th of July weekend!