Saturday, November 1, 2008

Baby Photo Shoot (or the Morning After Mommy and Daddy Get No Sleep)

Our story begins on Thursday, when the unsuspecting family had an appointment with the Lactation consultant. Mom and Dad packed up the (very hungry) family and headed in to Mercy Hospital, arriving there around 10:30 (which was about an hour past when C&G were supposed to eat). Of course neither Colin nor Gillian felt that this was an equitable situation, and just like many people who feel that they've been done wrong, the Twins decided to let everyone in the registration lobby, the hallways, and the elevators at the hospital know that they had been sorely afflicted.

The lactation consultant, however, took sympathy on them and set them right to eating. Fully satiated, C&G determined that the car ride back home provided the perfect setting to begin a nap... and to ensnare Mom and Dad in a heinous trap. The little angels were perfectly asleep upon arriving home, and Mom and Dad (still a little naive) said "They're sleeping so well, let's have some lunch and take a nap ourselves." Unfortunately for Mom and Dad, this was exactly what C&G had expected. The twins slept wonderfully in their car seats up until it was time for the next feeding, at which point, they ate well and returned to napping. Again, all in line with what we see now as a diabolical plan.

Mom and Dad, still as unaware as ever to the evil scheme evolving around them, let the younglings sleep undisturbed until it had come to pass that another feeding was due. Eating well and seeming drowsey, C&G fooled Mom and Dad into letting them go right to sleep again. At this point company came by to see the new members of the family and to bring Mom and Dad some dinner. While the company held and admired C&G, the twins continued their diabolical plot and largely slept until their next feeding and that's when they sprang their trap...

After eating this last time, C&G decided to be a just a little cranky and take just a little while longer to go to sleep. Then, about an hour later at midnight, the full and horrible nature of their plan became apparent: the two of them would scream their heads off for next three and one-half hours solid. Colin, obviously the more sympathetic of the two, decided that Mom and Dad had probably learned their lesson and decided that he should return to sleep. Gillian, who was likely the mastermind behind this dreadful plot, didn't agree with Colin and took it upon herself to scream solo for another two hours. The end result of all of this drama was that Mom and Dad ended up with maybe an hour of sleep each between Thursday night and Friday morning.

On Friday Morning C&G had their one-week check-up and weight check with the pediatrician. Mom and Dad relayed the entire horrible story to the pediatrician, along with Mom's suspicion that maybe the pizza that had been consumed for dinner didn't sit well with the younglings. The pediatrician, however, immediately saw through the unfortunate events of the previous 24 hours and illuminated the actual outlines of the plot to Mom and Dad, including the fact that Mom and Dad were key players in bringing about their own downfall. The kindly doctor recommended that Mom and Dad try to keep C&G awake longer during the day so that they will be more tired during the night and early morning.

With this advice in hand, Mom and Dad returned home, bent on keeping the younglings from excessive daytime sleeping and a repeat of their nefarious plot from the previous day. Since I had promised Jessica earlier that we would have a baby photo shoot sometime this weekend, we used some of our awake time (though you wouldn't be able to tell that from the photos) to take some more photographs for Jessica and anybody else who might be interested. So without further ado:
Just so you know who is who, Colin is pictured on the left and Gillian is pictured on the right. I liked these in black and white and I think I'm going to print an 8.5x11 of one to take to work. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out, though they do point out to me that I need some kind of reflector to get a little more fill light (probably a pillow case and some sort of frame).


Unknown said...

Wonderful job on the pictures. They are adorable! Sleep is now a thing of the past. I promise that it will return sometime in the next year. Good luck!!

Ynn said...

Oh, the joys of parenthood. I can remember crying to your grandma, Michael, that I would never be able to sleep in my own bed or with your dad or all through one night ever again...and this was with you! See how things do change. The pictures are adorable. Colin looks so like you.

Mum said...

I know it may be hard for you to believe this right now with your bloodshot, burning eyes and foggy brain but "This too shall pass."
The black & white pictures are the best! The babies look so innocent. Who would have thought they could be so diabolical.

Jessica said...

Whatever you do, don't put them in a room with a running vacuum - it will not calm them and make them stop crying. It will only instill a deep-seated fear of vacuum cleaners and eventually a love of hardwood floors (where you only need a broom).

My own Mum will back me up on this.

I do love the photos though!

Mama said...

Lea and Michael - Ellie tricked us into this evil scheme when she was about a week old too. They must have a baby convention where they plot the terrible ways they will go about depriving their poor parents of much needed sleep. It has gotten better over the last 7 weeks (I would say much better if it had not been for last night - up four times to feed her!). Keep sharing - I love the updates!

The Edwards Clan said...

This was a wonderful post!! Having three kids I can most definitely relate -- however, I can't imagine going through it with TWINS!!!! Good luck!