Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bedtime Funnies

The kids have been ON FIRE at bedtime this week. Daddy and I have been totally cracking up all week.

Sunday Night

Gillian (to Colin): I love you.
Colin: Thank you.

30 minutes later

Gillian (to Colin): I love you.
Colin: I love BlueBlue (his teddy bear).

He still won't really tell her "I love you." But he will sometimes say, "I love you, Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy."

Monday night

Colin was looking at the diaper box in his room while getting his PJs on. He's been really into pointing out and labeling print lately, so he starts, "H...U...G...G...I...E...S....KISSIES!!!" Umm, almost, but really cute.

Tuesday Night

As Daddy was drying Colin off after bath Colin told him, "Tree bend. Then fall down. Then you can never fix it. And it make the tree sad." We have no idea where that came from. He's been really into trees lately too, and we talk about them a lot, but I don't think we'd ever had that conversation before.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow night brings us.

1 comment:

Marie said...

OMG, those are hysterical!!!! I especially love "I love you," "Thank you." So glad you wrote those down!!!