Monday, August 31, 2009

More Walking.....maybe.

So, Colin is a pretty good cruiser now. He does laps around the coffee table and other furniture. He is not a huge risk taker though, so I thought he might need some encouragement to take some independent steps. So, I stood him up by the chair and moved a little bit away, and lo and behold, he takes three nice steps, 1...2...3. Easy as pie. I try to do it again, no go. When Michael came home from work, I tried to get him to do it again, no go. Then Michael went upstairs to change his clothes, and we tried again, and 1...2...3 steps! However, the little bugger has yet to take them in front of anyone other than me. Michael is beginning to think I made it up. Anyway, since it was officially his first steps, we took a picture last night!

YAY COLIN! Now, do it again.

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