Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mr. OK

We have a talker!!!! We decided about a week or 10 days ago that Colin was saying "teddy" to refer to his teddy bear. Well, ok, I decided, and Michael kindly agreed with my speech therapist's assessment. It's pretty cute! I was very proud of my little talky man. He is kind of lazy with his signs, so I thought for sure it would take forever to get a word out of him. Well, apparently, he does not like to be underestimated because on Monday night, he said another word! This time he repeated "OK" back to me about a million times! All right, so he really says "ODay," but he is definitely repeating me! He even did it for Michael last night. SO CUTE! Warms the cockles of his SLP-Mommy's heart. Good boy.

("Gillian?" you ask. You'd think Boy = Walker, Girl = Talker. Guess not in this house! She does have a nice handful of signs, but no words yet. Not even Mama/Dada.)


Mum said...

Yeah for "Little Man"! I'm looking forward to seeing the "Birthday Babes"! It will be so much fun to see how they have grown.

Ynn said...

"ODay" is much better than the usual first response "NO!" Can't wit til the weekend.