Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Nudist

So, I've got one kid who prays. What does the other one do? Glad you asked.

It was about 7:20 this morning when I headed for Gillian's room. She had been awake since 5:45, but I refuse to acknowledge that she wakes up that early (and that was SLEEPING IN for her this week). I heard her thumping around in bed, but she never cries and never calls for Mama. So, I ignore her.

Anyway, when I cross the bedroom threshold this morning, what do I see???? Skin. Lots of it. As in, a totally and completely NUDE Gillian. Sleepsack, off. Onesie, off. Diaper, off. She is PLEASED AS PUNCH to be found this way. I had to laugh. That made her even happier.

Lucky for her, she did not MESS in the sheets.

Next escalation in Morning Wake-Up Time Warfare: Duct tape.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Oh my! That's so funny! I literally laughed while reading it and picturing her in all her glory! Such a funny girl! Awesome story, thanks for sharing it!