Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bums and Bucket Trucks

Last week one day, perhaps Thursday, we had great excitement at breakfast! Colin heard a noise, peaked his head out on the deck, and, low and behold, there was a bucket truck in the neighborhood taking down a tree! You would have thought the Pope pulled up with The Beatles in his trunk, that's how excited C&G were!

They ran and got their stools and pulled them up to the deck railing for a better view. The sight of them, in their undies, watching the tree trimming truck was just too funny.
(You can see the boom of the truck just above the deck railing on the left-hand side of the picture)

Fortunately I did convince to them come in for some breakfast after a bit, but once they ate, they went back out to watch them finish the job. Such excitement. We could hardly stand it.


Mama said...

VERY cute! I wonder if I will ever be the parent of a child who wears underwear. Sigh. I hate potty training! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how C&G gets so much happiness from the simple things in life. A great quality to have!

DPLK said...

Woohoo, a dump truck is big news in any neighborhood!

We're looking forward to seeing you all for the 4th--we're coming up to Brockway on the 2nd and staying until the 4th.

Lisa said...

Love it! And I'm happy to see I'm not the only one with kids running around in t-shirts and underwear. :)