Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hello, Big Girl Bed


Last Friday night we finally had to take the rail off Gillian's crib and turn it into a "big girl bed," I know we did really, really well to make it past 2 1/2 years with cribs! Despite being fully capable of getting in and out of the cribs by themselves for quite a while, neither kiddo really ACTED on that skill until about two weeks ago. So, Mommy finally worked up enough nerve to let GO and we made the leap.

And, it's been going really well. Gillian had already been working on a bedtime chart for going "straight to sleep" and we added a "stay in bed until Mommy gets you" caveat, and she's been chipping right away at filling up her circles. She's already earned an ice cream cone!

She's obviously loving it!
This was her first night in the "big girl bed"!!!!

Colin's up next. I just couldn't do both at once......

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