This past weekend Michael and I had a nice overnight away in State College, and in preparation for leaving the kiddos with Grammy and Grandpa Uhl, we moved the carseats into their vehicle. Upon our return, we decided to FINALLY turn the seats around to be forward facing. By law, children are to be rear-facing until 20 pounds in weight AND 12 months old. Obviously, C&G have met the age requirement for a while now, and our pediatrician was fine with us flipping them around a while ago. HOWEVER, my vigilant on-line mommy friends, and some independent reading I've been doing, left me thinking that it was best and safer to leave them rear-facing for as long as they could tolerate it. Since C&G are excellent car riders, and they still fit backwards, we had just left them be. The other day Michael did notice that Bean's legs were getting a tad long for rear-facing though. So, we bit the bullet and, TA DA! Forward facing kids!
(These pictures were taken with a cell-phone, so not up to our usual standards!)

So, do they like it? I'd say, very much so! Our first outing on Sunday was a much needed trip to the car wash. Gillian would just giggle when I turned around to look at her! Colin also highly enjoyed himself!
Our other milestone this week was the transition to one nap a day. I know we were quite lucky to make it to 16 months with two kids who took two naps a day! I have heard of some 10 month olds who only take one nap! Yesterday and today went pretty well, I think. They went down around 1:00 and slept until 3:30 or 4:00! I feel badly that I work the next three days, and Miss Amy, Babysitter Extraordinaire, will have to deal with working out the kinks, but I know she can handle it!
Sigh. Big kids. Big Steps. No babies here anymore.
Cute! I was actually going to ask about this on the BB! We still have Rachel facing backwards. She is fine with it, but we have noticed the long leg issue too. Not sure what to do. Rachel likes their hats! She blew them kisses...
WOW! Those really are some big milestones for C&G! I have pictures of all of my kids when they've made the switch to the "big baby car seats" and then when they've turned forward-facing as well. Big steps indeed!! Our kids usually have the opposite problem -- they're 20 lbs way before they turn 12 months. (I guess that's not really a problem, though -- except that they outgrow the infant carriers quite early...and are tough to hold for very long!!) Anyway, it really is fun for them to see the world as it comes at them instead of as it fades away from them. I'm sure I'll have a post about that when Evan gets the switch in 5 months. (I'm so grateful for other blogs like yours -- to know I'm not the only one out there who makes a big deal about stuff like this!).
Oh -- and good luck with the one-nap thing!!! :o)
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